FARAD Funding Status


FARAD continues to be funded on a year-to-year basis and gratefully acknowledges stakeholders' support, notably the American Veterinarian Medical Association (AVMA). FARAD funding is provided through USDA-NIFA authorized through the FARM Bill.

From 2018-2024, AVMA requested $2,500,000 for FARAD to carry out its vital services, which help keep the U.S. food supply safe, secure and affordable. FARAD was fully funded at the requested level from 2018-2023, but has suffered a devastating 20% reduction in budget appropriated for the 2024-2025 funding cycle. In 2023, FARADs highly trained scientists directly assisted with 5,833 inquiries impacting 5.8 million animals representing dairy, beef, swine, poultry, small ruminant and honeybee production systems. Compared to 2018, FARAD has had a 62% increase in inquiries, including a 33% increase from 2022 to 2023 alone. Although FARAD has operated at its authorized amount since 2018, it has been unable to invest and grow the program. With the cut in funding for 2024, the FARAD program has lost key personnel and will have fewer scientists available to respond to inquiries. AVMA is urging increased authorization to $5 million for FARAD in the 2023 FARM Bill, in order to help FARAD attract and retain scientists, keep pace with inflation, invest in technology and conduct critical safety validation studies. View the AVMA position statement for FARAD funding for 2025 and for the increase in funding for the upcoming Farm Bill. Stakeholders are urged to contact their US Congressional Representatives to voice support for the FARAD program.

How you can help

You can find information on your local congressional members at: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member.

Below is a sample statement you may use as a template to notify your representative of the importance of the FARAD program:

To Whom it May Concern:

I, ______________________, on behalf of my organization, _______________________, would like to let our government representatives know that we fully support the Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD) and strongly encourage the government to fully and continuously fund this organization. FARAD plays a major role in keeping the human food supply safe and free of drug residues while continuing to allow veterinarians and producers to treat food-producing animals in a scientific and humane manner. Recently FARAD suffered a 20% budget cut for this fiscal year. This has caused an immediate problem for the program, but more importantly has the potential for a long-term devastating impact on this important food safety program. Given the specialized expertise required, FARAD needs to be a multi-year, fully funded program that will be adjusted for inflation costs in order to fulfill the requirements of the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act. Please ensure that FARAD remains in the upcoming FARM Bill and is funded at levels that will continue to allow them to provide valuable services to veterinarians and the public. After 42 years of dedicated service to veterinary medicine and food safety, this program should receive full funding at a level commensurate with continued growth for a multiple year period.

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